Programs - Borland Pascal

I started coding in Pascal at the begining of Standard Six, 1994. The main reason was that was what Saints had loaded on the network. Luckly the guy who ran the computer club had also programmed in basic, so if I needed to know what command to use I could ask him for the equivelent in Pascal. Now that I’m much more experienced in Pascal, I just search through the on-line help for stuff.

Designer 9 MAJOR PROJECT: Game Desiger Pack: design and play your own adventure game
LanChat 9 MAJOR PROJECT: This is LanChat, a lan version of irc
CrtMem 9 Unit for non-cursor screen io, uses memory. Almost identical to crt unit
BMP 8 Complete unit for displaying .bmp files
CText 8 Menu program to change contexts easily on a novell lan, could be adapted for any type of menu system thinkable
Fractals 8 Draws different fractals, equations are stored in data files (examples included)
HexEdit 8 Hex editor, edits any file
HexView 8 Types out a file in hex, with a pause option
Ini 8 Unit for easy ini-file access
KeyPush 8 Puts charecters into the keyboard buffer, usefull in batch files, etc.
LCopy 8 Copy huge files, has a status indicator. Uses extended memory for file buffers
ListProg 8 Program that lists all your pascal programs, pulling a descriptive comment from the first line
LoadMax 8 Load any program in windows as a maximized window
Maths24 8 Works through all the possibilities, works with fractions
Maze 8 Maze program, with editor and of course, cheat
Mouse 8 Unit for easy mouse usage
NMail 8 New Mail program, shows the sender, subject and date within two lines.
RunHide 8 Runs a program in windows, and hides a window
RunKill 8 Runs a program in windows, waits a few seconds, then closes it automatically
Stars 8 Star field simulation, instant screen saver, can be password protected
StdBank 8 Standard Bank statements converted to text and qif, dos and windows interface
TimeRes 8 TSR, displays time in top-right of screen
UserInt 8 Easy displaying of dialog boxes
XWord 8 Solves Anagrams, and missing letters
Bootwait 7 Installs as a TSR, waits for a certain amount of time, the REBOOTS!
Brown 7 Brownian motion simulation, 2D
Calendar 7 Works out on which dow (day of the week) a date falls
ChrChart 7 Shows all ascii charecters, can also print the table
Cricket 7 Cricket scoring game
Egyptian 7 Converts any fraction to an egyptian fraction, i.e. 3/4 = 1/2 + 1/4
Hanoi 7 Towers of Hanoi. Full graphics representation of all the moves
LemmPas 7 Gives passwords for any level of lemmings 1
LptSwap 7 Swaps lpt1, lpt2 and lpt3 around, in any order
Remind 7 Adds a reminder to your email, uses standard .cnm files
Save 7 Boss key, does he know that you’re messing around here?
ScrnMode 7 TSR, beeps the scrnmode number when a certain key is pressed
Snipes 7 Front-end for NLSNIPES (supplied)
WinClip 7 Get, set date on the windows clipboard
Ansi 6 Types file with ansi codes
Copywrite 6 Check floppy disks to see whether they are originals
Crack 6 Checks all possible codes
Craps 6 Analizes the game of craps
Lights 6 TSR, which alters the keyboard shift state every few seconds
Send 6 Confrencing program using novell’s send.exe
Slide 6 Screen Saver
XYGraph 6 Draw an xy-graph (unfortunately equation has to be hardcoded)