Programs - Mouse unit


The idea of the mouse unit was to give an easy interface to access the mouse, this unit supports just some of the more common mouse functions


Standard procedures are available in the mouse unit:

  • mouseinit, mouseon and mouseoff - these just initialise the mouse turn it on and off,
  • mousevis - a function that returns whether the mouse is visible or not
  • mousesetpos, mousesettxtpos - used to set the position of the mouse, ‘txt’ used because of text mode is 8x8 characters.
  • mousesetsensitivity - used to set the sensitivity of the mouse response
  • mousegetbuttons - returns the button mask of the currently pressed buttons
  • mousegetpos, mousegettxtpos - returns the current position of the mouse cursor, whether visible or not.
  • mousesettxtlimits - restricts the mouse to a certain rectangle on the screen, i.e. just a dialog box, etc.